German BCG Baden-Baden Cosmetics Group acquires the brands „Dr. Scheller – Das Naturkonzept“ and „Phyto Solutions“

BCG Baden-Baden Cosmetics Group AG, Baden-Baden (BCG) signed the contract to take over the brands „Dr. Scheller – Das Naturkonzept“ und „Phyto Solutions“ on May 17, 2011.
The seller is a cosmetic corporation and the stock-listed group OJSC Concern Kalina from Jekaterinburg (Kalina). With the purchase, the existing customer relationships with drugstores, food trade and department pass over to BCG. This puts an end to the insecure situation among the trade partners existing since the end of last year with regard to the further development of the brand „Dr. Scheller – Das Naturkonzept“. BCG agreed secrecy with Kalina regarding the purchase price. Employees from Kalina will not be transferred to BCG.
Michael Vogt, CEO of BCG: “I am extraordinarily pleased to enter the growth market of certified natural cosmetics with the acquisition of the brand „Dr. Scheller – Das Naturkonzept“ which enables us to increase our international sales and to sustainably secure employment in Baden-Baden.“
BCG Baden-Baden Cosmetics Group AG is one of the leading independent medium-sized cosmetic manufacturers located in Baden-Baden. SANS SOUCIS, BIODROGA and FUTURESSE – the three renowned cosmetic brands have their origin in Baden-Baden and are developed, produced and sold there by BCG. Most recently, BCG has successfully positioned the fragrance of star violinist David Garrett in their brand portfolio.

Further Details:
BCG Baden-Baden Cosmetics Group AG
Im Rosengarten 7
76532 Baden-Baden

Tel.: +49 7221 – 688 100
Fax: +49 7221 – 688 369